söndag 8 juni 2008

What a busy week - Part 3

When I explained my situation for the salesman I got "We cant take back demoexes, thats our rules". I tried explaining that the salesman that sold me the computer never told me about the rules and that it was his obligation to do so but this salesman hardly listened to me. Then I asked if i could talk to his boss but aparently he was not there right then...convinient. He didnt even let us (me and my friend that was with me) talk to his boss on the phone. When I said that it wasnt nice to let me pay full price for a demoex he first didnt believe me but after checking he said "The supportdepartment can help you" so I go back there and get the answer "We cant give back money".

At that time I had gotten very tired and irritated. I asked to speak with their boss as well but "hes not here" was the respons. So noone in charge was in the store when I was there complaining about a computer...hmmm. Then this other supportguy offered me an original computer, same as I was turning in. He went back into some room and came back with a computer without any case or anything. Then he explained "this is a demoex that has been to repairs and been reinstalled". I got alittle suspicious and tried out the computer. Now to the funny scary part about this: Even if the computer had been to repairs and were on its way up to the saledepartment the sound didnt work. How good are the repairguys if they send back a computer with sound that doesnt work? The supportguys got alittle embarresed about this but offered me the reinstall CDs from that computer. I was so frustrated so I took the CDs and went home. Both me and my friend was so angry at them. On the way home I was on the phone with Emmas parents and they said that I and the father could go back the next day and see if they could get the money back. They knew alittle more about rules and laws so "Sure, why not".

In the evening Gunnar (the fathers) showed me the Consumer Purchases Act and showed me acouple of laws that gave us the right to get our money back. When I got home to my apartment I spent a couple of hours reading and writing down on paper some of the laws that could help. I had tried resoning and appeal to their brotherliness with no succes so now it was time to bring out the big guns, The Law.
To be continued...

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