måndag 16 juni 2008

Time flies...a nice strange dream

I had this really nice dream this afternoon: There was this girl that aparently liked me so she put together a flower from small pieces of paper that I had dropped her and there over time, then she gave it to me and I remember that I in the dream felt so happy about it...then she just said "Goodbye, I know my guy will come with the next "set" of missionaries", aparently she said so because I already have a girlfriend. Strange dream. I loved the feeling of being loved liked that...but it was just a dream so I cant really trust it...and besides: I love my Elin:D

I have figured out that there are so much about computers I dont know anything about. The past month I have been helping alot with computers and solving problems. Its fun but sometimes frustrating when you dont find the solution to the problems. I have to be patient and just learn as much as I can.

I was on a jobinterview today...it went well...I just made one error I think. When she asked me what I wanted in salary I said "20000/month". I didnt really want to get that question because I dont really know what you earn as a customer supportperson and when I looked it up on the Internet most people said between 16-19000...even if a couple of people earned over 20000...so if she doesnt want to give me 20000 I hope he will negotiate, even if 20000 would be very good.

måndag 9 juni 2008

What a busy week - Part 4

Gunnar picked me up at 9 a clock and we drove to Mediamarkt in Gothenburg. We went directly to the salesdepartment and started talking to an salesman. At first we got the same respons "We dont take back demoexes" but this time we were prepaired. I started with one of my arguments and continued discussing with him. Gunnar backed me up and when the salesman argued I told him another argument I had from the law. He then said "Im a legal expert (probably a company lawer or something) and I know whats right and not". We then said that if hes a legal expert then he knows that we are right. We continued arguing and told him a couple of other arguments. Finally he said "Okej, we will give your money back". When he gave us the receipt
that gave us the right to get the money back he also said "I AM a legal expert so I didnt need to give the money back but because of Goodwill Im doing it anyway". When we came out from the store we were in a better mood and we said "Suuuuure, its not goodwill, he has to say that. Both we and him knows that he couldnt do anything else" and we went back to Borås happier, the LAW had won again.

Some of the strange things I like to mention:

1: I payed full price for an demoex, then I can expect that the computer would be in perfect shape but it wasnt, far from it

2: The salesman told me that there were a partition on the computer that gave the option to reinstall windows, in fact there were non and I didnt get any CD either

3: On the receipt from when I bought the computer it said: The generall conditions of purchase that applies is stated on the back of this receipt, the backside was empty

4: Even when the other computer of same model had been to the repairs and were on its way up to the salesdepartment again, the sound didnt work...I dont think I trust the repairdepartment that much

5: Even when I explained the whole time that the computer had to be done by thursday for Emmas gratuation they wanted to send it in for repairs that would take at least a couple of weeks, how hard is it to understand the math

söndag 8 juni 2008

What a busy week - Part 3

When I explained my situation for the salesman I got "We cant take back demoexes, thats our rules". I tried explaining that the salesman that sold me the computer never told me about the rules and that it was his obligation to do so but this salesman hardly listened to me. Then I asked if i could talk to his boss but aparently he was not there right then...convinient. He didnt even let us (me and my friend that was with me) talk to his boss on the phone. When I said that it wasnt nice to let me pay full price for a demoex he first didnt believe me but after checking he said "The supportdepartment can help you" so I go back there and get the answer "We cant give back money".

At that time I had gotten very tired and irritated. I asked to speak with their boss as well but "hes not here" was the respons. So noone in charge was in the store when I was there complaining about a computer...hmmm. Then this other supportguy offered me an original computer, same as I was turning in. He went back into some room and came back with a computer without any case or anything. Then he explained "this is a demoex that has been to repairs and been reinstalled". I got alittle suspicious and tried out the computer. Now to the funny scary part about this: Even if the computer had been to repairs and were on its way up to the saledepartment the sound didnt work. How good are the repairguys if they send back a computer with sound that doesnt work? The supportguys got alittle embarresed about this but offered me the reinstall CDs from that computer. I was so frustrated so I took the CDs and went home. Both me and my friend was so angry at them. On the way home I was on the phone with Emmas parents and they said that I and the father could go back the next day and see if they could get the money back. They knew alittle more about rules and laws so "Sure, why not".

In the evening Gunnar (the fathers) showed me the Consumer Purchases Act and showed me acouple of laws that gave us the right to get our money back. When I got home to my apartment I spent a couple of hours reading and writing down on paper some of the laws that could help. I had tried resoning and appeal to their brotherliness with no succes so now it was time to bring out the big guns, The Law.
To be continued...

lördag 7 juni 2008

What a busy week - Part 2

I got alittle annoyed at that fact and phoned them. They said they would order one and send it to me...its been over a week now and I still havent gotten it. I tried fixing the computer by searching for solutions on the Internet for hours and hours. I found one thing that could help and tried it...it didnt work and now a second problem had shown itself. Sometimes when I tried to open "My computer" it wouldnt do it, instead it gave me an error message and gave me the options to "debug" or "close".

I called Mediamarkt again and told them that my computer was "erroring" and that I wanted to turn it in and get my money back so that I could buy a computer that worked that we could give to Emma (my girlfriends sister) on her graduation day. The guy in "support" was very understanding and said that if he could decide he would let me turn it in and give me my money back but he wasnt in charge so I had to talk to a salesman. I got redirected and spoke to "customer-service" and they tried to redirect me to an salesman but no salesman was reachable. But she took my number and told me that she would forward it to them for me. 5 min later she called and said that she spoken to a salesman and that it was just for me to go to the support with my computer and they would solve it. I thought that it would mean that I turn in computer and get money back, I mean, I had told them that the computer had to be done by thursday when she graduated. Next day

I make the one hour travell and go to the "support" and tell them how it is that I have a computer that doesnt work that I want to turn in and get my money back. His respons was "We dont take back "demoex" but we can turn in in for repairs for you". What was he saying? I had been given a promise that I could get my money back and no this supportguy says they dont give back money for "demoex" (store-shown-computers). The salesman that sold me the computer never told me about that rule. If I had known that I would never have bought the computer in the first place. And If I turn in the computer for repairs it would never have been done in time for the graduation and the people I spoke to in the phone knew that and i told this supportguy this to. He just keep on saying "Sorry but I cant help you, we dont take back demoex but we can repair it for you".

I got alittle upset here because I felt that I had been tricked. I tried to argue but with no result. When I told him that I had gotten a promise he asked from who and I told him so he went to the person that I had spoken to yesterday to ask her. He came back 20 min later and told me that I had never gotten a promise, even if she said "No problem, just get here and we will fix it". I mean, she and the salesman knew that turning it in for repairs was no option because it had to be done by thursday (this was tuesday) so why tell me that there would be no problems if they dont take back demoexes? To send a computer to be repaired would take minimum 2-3 weeks if not longer. So after about one hour arguing with this supportguy he finally tells me that it´s only salesman that can give back money for computers. Why couldnt he have said that from the beginning? I took my computer up to the salesdepartment.
To be continued...

torsdag 5 juni 2008

What a busy week - Part 1

Sorry that I havnt been around here to update the blog but this week has been so busy. This is what happend:

My girlfriends sister graduated today and her family wanted to give her a computer in combined graduat- and birthdaypresent so they asked me to find a nice computer for her. I started searching alittle 2 weeks ago and did find a couple of computers that could suit her. Then I talked to a friend and he had just bought an okej computer at Mediamarkt for a low price so I went there last tuesday to get the computer. The store was in Gothenburg and I live in Borås, about 40 min drive away. When I came there the computer was sold out. I called the parents and they told me that I could by another one if i found one. I found one that was alittle more expensive but better than the on I had planned on buying. The only one of that computer left was the one that they show in the store, wich took me little by suprise. I asked if it was as good as a original one and the salesman said yes. i asked if there was any way of reinstalling it and he said there are a partition on the computer I can use. Satisfied with that I payed for the computer and left.
While waiting for my bus back to Borås I tested the computer...after half an hour the first "blue screen of death" appeared. I thought to myself "Oh well, I can reinstall windows when I get back and hopefully it will work". Back in my appartment I looked for the partition ,where I could reinstall the computer, and found nothing. To be continued...